sounds of Thailand




audio recordings that evoke the country, the people and their languages and the diversity of the music of the ethnic cultures



Mien (Yao) music


  ceremonial music shawm and percussion ensemble 1.2MB
  unaccompanied song sung before a temple ceremony 974KB
  dance song with bell sung during a dance at a temple ceremony 831KB


Most Mien music is for ceremonial purposes, especially for weddings, funerals and ancestor worship and harvest ceremonies. At New Year’s festivals an important event is the singing of the narrative song about the Mien ancestral dog- a story that helps keep their identity alive. It has been reported that the Mien do not have dance music; those in Thailand sing a dance song, however, when going to a temple festival. Alone of these peoples, the Mien have a widely accepted written language (using Chinese characters) and a more complex poetry. Ceremonial occasions are almost always accompanied by a shawm and percussion ensemble. Songs may also be accompanied by a small handbell.


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music of Thailand's ethnic cultures





     all sound files in compressed mp3 form   click on track title to hear the recording

sound files are extracts from longer files in wav format